I colori ritrovati . Kinemacolor and other magic

2 Dvds, 36 films, 4 bonus and a booklet (185′; 72 pp.)
75mins of Kinemacolor is more Kinemacolor than anyone has seen in our lifetime, and magica! for that alone. Cineteca di Bologna holds the largest single collection of these rare early colour films and has digitally restored twelve titles produced by Charles Urban and Luca Comerio in 1908-1912, now available on this first ever DVD of Kinemacolor films. The set also includes three-colour Gaumont Chronochromes and stencil-coloured Pathécolor from the same period. Thirty-six nonfiction films take us on a magica! Grand Tour, from harvesting and hunting in the English countryside, to an el-ephant pageant in India, to a French beach, to Venice, Greece, Libya, Holland and Japan… Unique documents ofhistory mingle with moments ofgreat beauty to bring the past back to a colourful life.
Kinemacolor Urban
The Harvest (1908); Fording the River (1910); Lake Garda, Italy (1910); Feeding Poultry at Prowse Jones Farm (1911); A Run with the Exmoor Staghounds (1911); Coronation Drill at Reedham Orphanage (1911); Nubia, Wadi Halfa and the Second Cataract (1911); With Our King and Queen Through India: The Pageant Procession (1912); [Woman Draped in Patterned Handkerchiefs] (c.1907); [Tartans of the Scottish Clans] (c.1907)
Kinemacolor Comerio
La vita dei nostri Ascari eritrei in Libia (1912); Plotoni nuotatori della 3’1 Divisione Cavalleria (1912); L’inaugurazione del campanile di San Marco (1912); Le pittoresche cascate d’Italia (c.1912)
Choronochrome Gaumont
Deauville-Trouville; View of Enghien-les-Bains; Provence: The Old Village of Annot; Picturesque Greece; Venice, Queen of the Adriatic; Chioggia, a Fishing Port Near Venice; Venetian Glass-Ware Flowers Fruits
Industrie des éventails au Japon (c.1914-1918); Le Thè : culture, récolte et préparation industrielle (1909); La Chasse à la panthère (1909); Coiffures et types de Hollande (1910); La Récolte du riz au Japon (1910); La Chenille de la carotte (1911); Barcelone, principale ville de la Catalogne (1912); La Culture de caoutchouc en Malaisie (1912); Les Floraisons (1912); La Grande fète hindoue du Massy-Magum (1913); Les Bords de la Tamise d’Oxford à Windsor (1914); Le Pare National de Yellowstone (1917); L’Ariège pittoresque (1922); La Fée aux fleurs (1905)
L’Immagine Ritrovata: Restaurare il Kinemacolor/ Restoring Kinemacolor Macchine da presa e proiettori / Cameras, projectors, technical equipment Kinemacolor Catalogue 1912 Illustrazioni a colori / Colour lllustrations Cartoline Photochrom /Photochrom Picture Postcards